Why Are US Open Tennis Courts Blue?

Tennis is one of the favorite sports of people all over the world. If you have been watching the games since the early 21st century, you must know that color of US Open tennis courts has changed. The change may have you wondering why it took place. If that is the case, you’re in the right place. Here is everything you need to know about why US Open tennis courts shifted to blue.

What Were the Original Colors of US Open Tennis Courts?

Before 2005, the courts of the US Open had green and red painted surfaces. They were colored to allow the viewers and players to connect with the original tennis courts.

Till 1974, the tennis tournaments in the US used to take place on courts made up of grass and clay. This is why when the world shifted to concrete and asphalt surfaces, the organization colored them red and green.

The French Open in the past used to take place on red clay courts. Meanwhile, Wimbledon had natural grass. This is where the authorities got the idea of painting the surface red and green.

Why Are US Open Tennis Courts Blue?

Since 2005, the color of the US Open courts switched to blue. This change was sudden to many fans of the sport. That is because, for decades, the colors red and green were associated with tennis. 

Many people had sentiments attached to the original colors, which is why you may be wondering why such a significant shift happened. If so, then you no longer have to. Here are the top reasons why US Open tennis courts are now blue:


One of the primary reasons behind the change from red and green to blue is visibility. It is no secret that a typical tennis ball is neon yellow. The ball is of this color because it offers easy visibility. For example, neon yellow is the color that authorities use for road signs because it offers a clear view. Not only that, but it is also for reflective vests because of visibility reasons.

However, during tennis, the ball moves at about a hundred miles an hour. This makes it already problematic for the players to see and hit the ball. The original tennis court color made this even harder. The green court offers a dull and similar background to the ball. Meanwhile, red is opposite to green in the color wheel. But, it is close to yellow as well. All these factors make it difficult for the players to see the ball on the court. However, blue and purple are two colors that offer a good contrast to the yellow ball. They enhance the visibility of the players allowing them to see the ball with more ease.

Enhancing the Viewing Experience of Television Viewers

Most people watch the US Open on TV. In the past, it was difficult for them to watch matches because of the poor color combination. Red and green are reflective colors and hinder the visibility of many television viewers, especially seniors. They are the largest group that watches tennis. Thus, they play an integral role in helping the sport achieve more recognition.

To make it easier for the viewers to watch tennis on television, the US Tennis Association decided to change the color of the courts. Blue was the most suitable option because it offers good contrast and does not reflect on television.


Branding is another critical reason why the US Tennis Association changed the colors of courts to blue. The organization did not just convert the US Open tennis courts to blue, but it also changed the colors of all the major tournaments that are played in the country.

Blue resembles the color of the organization and allows them to display unity. Additionally, branding the US Open tennis courts also proved helpful for marketing and promoting the tournaments.

Besides that, the association intended to improve the brand visibility of the US Open and other lesser-known tournaments that are played in the US.

Final Words

Changing the colors of the tennis courts is nothing new. Many organizations use particular colors to allow people to associate with their tournaments. For example, The Australian Open also changed its courts to blue in 2008. Blue color offers excellent contrast on concrete surfaces and allows television viewers to watch the games with ease.

Zac Willis
Zac Willis

I love tennis and as a writer, my aim is to share the excitement of the sport through interesting articles and insightful content. I believe tennis is not just a sport; it's a way of life, and I want to communicate that message to my readers through my writing.